Kumuola Foundation originated from a Hōʻailona, a message received by both, Pauline Kekukiha Kaiwi Navales and husband, Nicholas Jon Navales. The phrase “The Tree of Life” were words that were shown to them continuously for over a month. Pauline sought the advice of her Kupuna, Adam Lupi Kaiwi from Kipahulu Hāna Maui, “The Tree of Life” was translated into Hawaiian as Kumuola. Many kaona, or levels of meaning are present. Kumu means teacher, not only the ones in school, but the ones in the environment we grew up in. The Land, Water, Mountains, Oceans, Plants and most importantly our Family are our Teachers. Ola means Life, and they hold the Keys to Life. Our Ancestors looked to the Elements and all of Nature to Teach them Wisdom and Life, so shall we. The deepest level of meaning for Kumuola is our Source of Life, our Spiritual Creator and Guide, our Ke Akua. With these meanings in mind, the Foundation was named and blessed as Kumuola Foundation. We strive to live up to our name and provide the space for Nā Kumu o ke Ola, the Teachers of Life; to Grow here in Hawaii and the World.
From 2009- 2010, Kumuola Foundation was first established at the International Market Place, Waikiki, as a venue for the Hawaiian Cultural Arts and Practices. We gathered to share and teach of Hawaii's Culture to the Peoples of the World. We celebrated with a cultural festival which featured Nā Kumu o ke Ola, the Teachers of Life, our Master Practitioners and Artisans demonstrating and sharing their mana'o.
2010-Present, Kumuola Foundation relocated and is currently nestled in the beautiful Mānoa Valley, at Lua 'Alaea. Kumuola Foundation is a living, learning cultural farm dedicated to taking care of native Hawaiian plants we need for life, for the practices and arts, for the healing, and feeding. We want to create a cultural, educational, sustainable, sacred space for all our people of Hawaii and the World.
Kumuola Foundation's mission is to perpetuate Hawaiian Arts and Culture through the legacy laid before us, of People, Places, Arts & Spiritual Practices, Sustainability, and Education.
Kumuola Foundation strives to meet five main goals
Express the Traditions and Passions of Hawai'i by supporting Hawaiian Artisans, Practitioners, and their needs.
Restore and Prepare space to plant Edible & Healing Plants; to Teach, Learn and Live a Healthier Lifestyle.
Live the concepts of Aloha; Akahai, Lokahi, 'Olu'olu, Ha'aha'a, Ahonui. We strive to use these values as a basis for how we work and deal with situations that come our way.
Restore and Revive Indigenous and Endemic Plants and Animals that have been brought to the brink of extinction.
Create a Sustainable living environment and community utilizing the latest technologies to eventually create a working model which can then be used throughout the rest of Hawai'i and the world.